
Hey bitch you really mess me up

congratulation to you !

i won't ever talk one word to you anymore :)

because every time i talk you replied a suck thing ever

you said you are a girl so i wan jump on you

no you wrong

because you sucks

people joking with you

you at there serious

but if you said that you are joking with me

i don't think so

you come and step my tail

i not gonna give you FACE

coz you have no face when u talk in each word

i don't know where your brain

maybe is gone already long time ?

you talk you didnt think what will it happen when you say it out

because you never figure it out

and sorry i forgot that you have no brain

i nice to you

you gave me this respond

i will not always polite to you

because such a bitch that never heard people saying what

except homework or what

others thing i will never talk to you

people don't tell you

mean you got your own problem

what i also must tell you ?

you are my mother or what ?

people didn't tell you then you said because you not a boy

if you are a boy i straight come and slap you

because you noob

you with that fat thing have no difference

better together and forever !

you both must belong together

i will never share my thing to you

because i know you not my best friend anymore :) ! i block all my thing

and do not let you see :)

