

why is all people so care about my facebook relationship

is it many ppl like in relationship with me?

hope i can open in public?

i like to do what i want

is it that hard?

i do what no need you to decided

because this is my decision

i don't put u on my relationship

coz i dun think we are in stable

you see

just 2 months you give me what

your ignore , your emo and your complain

you said you love me

no everyone said love me always lie

no one love me

they always selfish

love me ? haha

i really will trust ?

that word I LOVE YOU

is not mean to me anymore

i feel is like SHIT of talking this

coz is always lie

i dun trust about the love

now i hate LOVE

the shit fucking love

you just know how to judge me

you call me stand your side and think

you got stand my side and think when u did everything ?

you did those thing just make me more angry

you such a selfish guy

i really dunno what to do

i am losing 1 by 1

yea i know i most the selfish

i am sorry i cant handle THE LOVE anymore

i really tired of this

i am sorry

i hate making decision

i really stress enough

really wth you want

i dun wan keep choosing this or that

i choose myself

yea i love myself the most

ok ?

i dun wan everything

i really try hard but what i get ? ur jealousy ?

i chat with my best friend is that oso wan to jealous ?

you jealous coz u love me?

you are controlling my life

i don't need a guy who controlling my life

not who leave then can settle you tot you very cool by leaving like this ?

i wont care anymore who wan leave then leave

better LEAVE FAR FAR AWAY dun let me see u !

i really suffered enough

