
School Day

Today normal 6:30am wake up

prepare everything ..

and go to school

today is last day to study at school

my fen fen cried :(

i know she miss me

HAHAHA ! :D she miss teachers i know ♥♥

sayang ♥♥>

i am sitting for exam soon

i also worry till the tear rolling in my eye WOOT

i wont cry -.-

later people tot i am sot cry suddenly :(

i am so worry !!!!!

here my slip for spm

i will take this photo when PMR

and SPM

LOL ..

everytime i also will take :D

at my table 1 :D

and surprisingly i get new nike shoes

i was shock ?!

WTH !?


i wan red more :(

red more nice i can imagine it ! ok

thats all for today is time to take a nap

and ready to tuition !

5:30 till 10 pm ! WTH !!!


